A Brief Introduction Of Madrasa

It is the reality that the Muslims got the blissfulness of Allah till they act according to holy book Quran. They got success on every step. Even the birds and animals of the jungle followed the order of a Muslim man. They sang the song of his ho on his arrival. Withal his arrival considered good for humanity and since he became adorer of deception and lust and make his providence the sensibility, adopt bitterness and decoy. He gave up the behavior and style of the pleasure of existence (S.A.W.), he interrupted in various difficulties. Immorality and botheration became his luck. Even the condition became so worse that he lived far from the soul of Islam. With the depth & decreasing of life, theology, formalism and Islamic life was not in behavior. He was far from these all-Islamic cultures. As a result, the Muslims accepted the slavish life and fell into abyss of abasement and sinking. Its certain result that this slavish dragged out the respect of Islam from the heart of the Muslims. Pudecity of Islam and Religious passions were removed from hearts. The relations of intoxicatingly hero worship of Muhammad S.A.W., attachment with Quran were broken up.
Hence, in such worst condition-the ulema and saints’ sagely brainy and wiseness, aptitude & efficiency and forecasting amain realized these cerebella sinking financially worse situation and accumulative digression of the canton and nation. The treatment of this dangerous and deathblow disease was found in spreading & edition of Islamic education. Men of nation who presented such sacrifice for Islam in spite of his incomplete sinewsofwar did these warriors, iron worked hard for Islam of Muhammad S.A.W. that the history seems not only paralyzed and lack but also restricted. These are the civility and character, hero and inamorata of Muhammad S.A.W., who established the religious institutions and Islamic schools by giving such a lot of sacrifices. As a result, religion Islam seems laster at its genre stage. If these religious & Islamic institutes were not founded, we can say confidently that the condition of the generation would be worse than present. If there were not these religious and Islamic institutes, the organization containing bad thinking and mentality would have success in their aim to destroy Islamic culture and perhaps there would be no real shape and educations of Islam would no remain. Allah may grant his grace. Allah grant the pious to them all who started religious education and spread a great network of Islamic institutes for its conservation and to save Muslims from deflection.
In this chain, your Madrasa Islamia Arabia Qasimul Uloom, Jalalabad, Distt. Bijnor is one of them. Its foundation of rip-rap was completed on 1952, before many Islamic guide of nation and canton, scholars and general public.

Members Of Managing Committee (Majlis Shura)

1. Hazrat aqdas mufti abdur rahman sb (Nazim Madrasa ansarul uloom nauganwan)
2. hazrat aqdas mufti shabbir ahmad sb (Sadar Mufti darul ifta madrasa shahi muradabad)
3. hazrat maulana mohd salman sb bijnori naqshbandi (teacher darul uloom deoband)
4. hazrat maulana shareef ahmad sb ( nazim madrasa darul uloom zakariya noorpur, ameer -e- Jamaat distt. bijnor)
5. hazrat maulana mohd ali sb bijnori (teacher of darul uloom deoband)
6. hazrat maulana mufti mohd shahid sb (Shaikhul hadith madrasa arabia jama masjid amroha)
7. hazrat maulana qari aaftab alam sb (teacher of darul uloom deoband)
8. hazrat maulana abdul qadir sb (teacher of madrasa shahi moradabad)
9. hazrat maulana mufti mohd affan sb (nazim talimat madrasa arabia jama masjid amroha)
10. hazrat maulana mufti mohd nazim sb bijnori (teacher of darul uloom deoband)
11. hazrat maulana mufti asrar ahmad sb (imam & khateeb masjid station najeebabad)
12. hazrat maulana mufti faheem ahmad sb (principal jamiatul abrar nagina)
13. Hazrat qari mohd yaseen sb (teacher of madrasa fakhrul uloom)
14. hazrat qari mohd aafaq sb (teacher of madrasa shahi moradabad)
15. janab mukhtar ahmad sb thekedar jalalabad (president our madrasa)
16. janab haji mohd ayyub sb jalalabad (cashier our madrasa)
17. janab mukhtar ahmad sb thekedar (jalalabad)
18. Janab Haji Mohd Rafi Sb (Pardhan Jogi rampuri)
19. janab haji mohd ahsan sb (Najibabad)
20. janab dr. mohd akhlaq sb (Najibabad)
21. janab dr. mohd nazim sb (Raja rampur)
22. janab haji mohd qaiser sb (Jalalabad)
23. janab haji sayed nusrat ali sb (Jalalabad)
24. janab haji mohd akhlak sb (Jalalabad)
25. hazrat hafiz mohd shakir sb (vice principal our madrasa)
26. hazrat qari abdul jabbar sb (Nazim our madrasa)
27. hazrat maulana mufti mohd sajid sb (nazim talimat & head of teachers our madrasa)
28. hazrat qari mohd sabir sb (principal our madrasa)

Teacher And Other Staff Of Madrasa

1. qari mohd sabir sb (principal)
2. qari mohd shakir sb (vice principal)
3. qari abdul jabbar sb (nazim aala)
4. mufti mohd sajid sb qasmi ( sadar mudarriseen & arabic teacher)
5. mufti mohd qasim sb qasmi ( naib sadar mudarriseen & arabic teacher)
6. mufti asrar ahmad sb qasmi (arabic teacher)
7. maulana akeel ahmad sb qasmi (arabic teacher)
8. mufti mohd asad sb qasmi (hostel incharge & arabic teacher)
9. mufti jahangeer alam sb qasmi (arabic teacher)
10. Mufti riyaz sb nageenvi qasmi (arabic teacher)
11. Maulana Abdul Qadir Sb. Qasmi (English teacher)
12. qari mohd aafaq sb (hifz teacher)
13. qari mahtab alam sb qasmi (hifz teacher)
14. Qari Mohd Sharafat Sb. (hifz teacher)
15. mufti mohd muzammil sb qasmi (nazrah teacher)
16. qari margoob alam sb (nazrah teacher)
17. Qari Mohd Faizan Sb (nazrah teacher)
18. mufti mohd anas Sb qasmi (nazrah teacher)
19. Qari Mohd mubashhir Sb (nazrah teacher)
20.qari mohd javed sb (nazrah teacher)
21. Master mohd afsar Sb (Head Of Teacher Jr. High School)
22.master dilshad ahmad sb (Teacher Jr. High School)
23. master iftikhar ahmad sb (Teacher Jr. High School)
24-30.7 Female Teachers (Teacher Jr. High School)
31.hafiz mohd khalid sb (cooker)
32.mohd Naseemuddin sb (gate keeper)
33.Sonu Bhai (Sweeper)